Casey Berkowitz, LMSW

Child & Adolescent Therapist

Meet Casey

Child & Adolescent Therapist

Casey Berkowitz, LMSW, is a master’s level clinician who is dedicated to supporting children, teens, and parents to achieve their goals. She approaches her clients with respect and compassion, working to create a strong, trusting therapeutic alliance in order to help clients feel safe and excited about their therapeutic journey. At NCFWC, Casey co-leads the Program for the Education and Enrichment of Relational skills (PEERS) group for ages 12-17 that aims to provide evidence-based social skills for adolescents with social difficulties. She also provides outpatient therapy to children and teens with a focus on anxiety, depression, OCD, behavior disorders, autism spectrum disorder, and ADHD. 

Casey originally hails from New York. She received her Bachelor of Arts in Psychology from Brown University and her Master of Social Work from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill where she worked at the UNC Child and Adolescent Outpatient Unit. She has experience working in a number of mental health settings including schools, partial hospitalization programs, in-home therapy programs, crisis work, community settings, and outpatient therapy clinics.  

Casey works to empower her clients through a multidisciplinary approach. Casey’s evidence-based approaches include (but are not limited to) Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Trauma Focused-CBT, and strengths-based approaches. She is currently pursuing her certification in Parent Child Interaction Therapy for ages 2-7 and their families that aims to improve the quality of parent-child relationships to support children with emotional and behavior struggles. She supports her clients through developing healthy coping mechanisms, developing a strong sense of self, and working to feel safe in one’s body and environment.  

She welcomes clients of all identities and backgrounds. Casey is proficient in Spanish and is currently under licensure supervision with Emily Hardcastle, LCSW.