Group Therapy

NCFWC offers support, psychoeducation, and therapy for children, adolescents, and adults.

Our group therapy services in Nashville and Franklin offer you support and understanding through professionally-led sessions.

Nashville Child and Family Wellness offers support, psychoeducation, and therapeutic group therapy for children, adolescents, and adults.

Groups are a powerful, affordable way to acquire support, therapy, and skills for many issues. We offer numerous groups—led by experienced, licensed professionals—under the categories listed below. If, after reading this, you would like more information, please email us at

group therapy in nashville

Explore Our Group Therapy Options

Child, Adolescent & Family Groups at NCFWC

We offer a variety of groups to teach coping skills to children, adolescents, families and adults. Some of these groups are for certain age groups and some target specific issues, such as anxiety, depression, ADHD, social skills, and emotional dysregulation. Each group’s curriculum draws from evidence-based programs to meet its goals. All are led by experienced therapists.

DBT Skills Group

High school age range (14-18, still in high school)

We offer DBT Skills Groups for Adolescents in a multi-family group format. The
DBT Skills group aims to increase client capabilities by teaching evidence-based coping skills and reviewing assigned practice homework to reinforce learning.

Skills focus on increasing distress tolerance, improving emotional regulation, and enhancing interpersonal relationships. At NCFWC, we offer DBT Skills group for those enrolled in our Comprehensive DBT program, as well as for those wanting to learn the skills as part of another type of treatment plan.

DBT-A Skills groups rotate through three, eight-week modules, with new participants being able to start at the beginning of each module. Teens are required to attend with at least one parent. Teens are also required to have an individual therapist, whether through NCFWC or within the community. Group size is limited to seven teens/families.

Currently, we have one group, which is in-person at the Nashville location.

Module Length & Cost:

Emotion Regulation - 8 weeks - $1,200 per family 

Distress Tolerance - 8 weeks - $1,200 per family

Interpersonal Effectiveness - 8 weeks - $1,200 per family 

Mindfulness and Walking the Middle Path Skills are taught throughout all four modules.

Enrollment Process:

If you are interested in any of our DBT programs, the first step is to complete a DBT Intake and Orientation to DBT.  

The DBT Intake session is typically 90 minutes long with parent/caregiver(s)and teen with the following objectives: 

  • For providers to meet the client, review background information, assess eligibility and appropriateness for DBT, and, when clear, make a recommended DBT Treatment Plan.
  • To provide information about DBT so that clients and providers can make an informed decision about the client's participation.
  • To increase motivation and commitment by describing how the program can work to help adolescents, as well as their family, reach their goals. ​

Following this intake session, recommendations will be made by NCFWC, including but not limited to Comprehensive DBT, DBT Group Skills-Only, Behavioral Parent Training (BPT), or other treatment services.  Additional sessions may be recommended prior to beginning a DBT Skills Group or Comprehensive DBT. Typically, these sessions focus on further assessment, enhancing motivation and commitment, and addressing other factors that will help clients benefit from DBT participation. 

Group Interest Form

Friendship Social Skills Group

Younger Age Group: 6-8 years-old (usually K-2nd )
Older Age Group: 8-11 years-old (usually 3rd -5th /6th )


Our Friendship Groups follow the evidence-based curriculum created to help elementary and school aged children develop the basic social skills necessary for making and keeping friends. This program is recommended for children with ongoing social difficulties such as difficulty gaining acceptance by peers, social exclusion, and victimization. It is particularly helpful for children who struggle with impulsivity, disruptive behaviors, social anxiety, learning disabilities, attention difficulties, and developmental challenges. 


Each Friendship group at NCFWC is split into two 7-week modules. Groups meet weekly for 90 minutes with opportunity to practice new skills through targeted lessons, social snack time, and game play. Parents do not attend regularly with the child. 


The group supports children with strengthening self-control, coping with anger, and building interpersonal problem-solving skills in a low stakes environment that can be generalized to their everyday. We offer a separate group for each of two age-ranges, 6-8 and 8-11. Leaders will help determine which group is the best fit for any 8-year-old based on development and the current group make-up.


Social skills:
– Meeting and greeting

– Initiating conversations, including others, joining in
– Having conversations, asking questions, listening

– Talking about feelings
– Understanding and recognizing feelings
– Friendly competition, good sportsmanship, good teamwork

– Cooperating and negotiating
– Understanding different points of view
– Helping and sharing
– Thinking before you act, calming down


Led by:  Casey Berkowitz, LMSW, and Bette Roberts, LMSW

Place: Nashville Child and Family Wellness Center: 85 White Bridge Road, Suite 302


Younger Age Group: Thursday’s from 4:30pm-6:00pm

Older Age Group: Monday’s from 4:30-6:00pm

Enrollment Process

Submit your application using the button below.

The phone interview process will begin a few weeks prior to the start date. During that time, we will contact families on the list to schedule the required phone interview with the teen and parent(s). During the phone screen, a provider at NCFWC will speak to the parent(s) to assess for group fit and interest. After the phone screen, a provider at NCFW will let you know if the group is appropriate for your teen.  At that time, you will be sent enrollment forms. Your spot is held and confirmed once those forms have been completed and your deposit has been collected.  

Costs: 7 sessions for $735 ($ 105 per session, covers all materials and snacks)

Group Interest Form

PEERS Social Skills Group

Ages 12-17

This group uses the PEERS curriculum which provides evidence-based social skills for adolescents (12-17) with social difficulties, particularly those with diagnoses of autism spectrum disorder or attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder. The PEERS group at NCFWC is split into two 8-week modules. Groups meet weekly for 90 minutes. Adolescents and caregivers have separate but concurrent sessions, with teens learning and practicing social skills and parents learning how to coach their teens to use skills outside of the session.

The group focuses on building social skills such as:

-Initiating, maintaining, and exiting conversations

-Choosing appropriate friends

-Navigating get-togethers with friends

-Handling teasing, bullying, and other forms of social rejection

-Good sportsmanship

-Handling disagreements, rumors, and gossip

Place: Nashville Child and Family Wellness Center: 85 White Bridge Road, Suite 302

Day/Time: Thursday’s from 5:30pm-7:00pm

Enrollment Process

Submit your application using the button below. The phone interview process will begin a few weeks prior to the start date. During that time, we will contact families on the list to schedule the required phone interview with the teen and parent(s). During the phone screen, a provider at NCFWC will speak to the parent(s) to assess for group fit and interest. After the phone screen, a provider at NCFW will let you know if the group is appropriate for your teen.  At that time, you will be sent enrollment forms. Your spot is held and confirmed once those forms have been completed and your deposit has been collected.  

Costs: $735 per module ($105 per session, covers child and caregiver(s).

Group Interest Form